Life's Your Adventure

Life Design & Career CoachSarah Singer

Do you dream of living a life you don’t need a vacation from?

The average person spends a third of their waking life at work, and you deserve to love every single one of those thirds. But I understand the challenges you face.As a purpose-driven, high achieving soul you may be:

  • Climbing the ladder of success or earned multiple promotions, only to realize the passion and purpose you once had has faded

  • Driven by a burning desire to change the world

  • Feeling guilty because your job is supposed to make an impact but your gifts are under utilized, undervalued, and your interests no longer align with your job

  • Seeking adventure, but ‘life’ gets in the way

  • Stuck on the hamster wheel of work/life but know there is more personally and professional

  • Facing inertia and stuck because you don't know how to meaningful make a change

  • Stressed, bored, or unfulfilled in your current job and ready for a major change

  • Living for the weekend and burning the midnight oil with the 9-5 (or 8-6 and beyond) grind, knowing deep down you' d be replaceable in a heartbeat

  • Transitioning between jobs and stuck figuring out 'what makes you tick'

  • Excelling in academic pursuits and unsure how this translates to the 'real world'

  • Focusing your mental real estate on professional goals and losing yourself, your passions, and your identity in the process

  • Seeing your friends, family, or 'everyone you know' on social media living dazzling lives and wondering why yours no longer sparkles

And whether you dream of:

  • Traveling the world or following your true passions

  • Becoming a digital nomad, slomad, or designing and alternative life with your family

  • Finding micro-adventures in your own backyard

  • Making that move or major life shift you've been putting off

  • Overcoming what's holding you back from being your best self

  • Living to work instead of working to live

  • Having more fulfillment and purpose in your day to day

  • Creating more quality time with loved ones

You can turn those dreams into a reality.

Book a free breakthrough call to get unstuck, find your true purpose, and design your dream life!

How 1:1 Coaching Works

Imagine waking up every day excited, fulfilled, and doing what you love. As your coach, I’ll be with you every step of the way as you navigate career & life transitions with confidence and clarity.Go from high achieving and unfulfilled to living the life of your dreams through my signature three-phased approach:

Phase 1: Self Discovery
💫 Understand where you are and where you want to go
💫 Goal setting, values and strengths exploration
💫 Identify and tackle any limiting beliefs
💫 Personality and career assessments
Phase 2: Exploration
💫 Dive into 'what makes you tick' and your purpose
💫 Do deep mindset and meditation work
💫 Overcome personal and professional obstacles
💫 Level up your career and personal development goals
💫 Embark on a customized job search process if applicable
Phase 3: Choose Your Own Life Adventure
💫 Find a job, career or life path that lights you up
💫 Design a curated roadmap with clear goals to get you where you want to go
💫 Accountability and goal setting
💫 Write your next personal and professional chapter
💫 Live life by your design!

So how does coaching actually work?We'll meet weekly through:

  • 1:1 sessions

  • 5 days/week voice messaging (coach in your backpocket)

  • Accountability and mindset work, personalized career and life design support tailored to your needs

  • Weekly curated homework to deepen your work even further

  • I offer 1- month career clarity and VIP 3 month career & life transformation programs with year long support programs that are fully customized to meet your needs.

  • I also offer customized group workshops for you and your friends, and customized approaches to meet your specific needs!

Still unsure?
I get it. You're successful, high achieving, and have gotten this far in life on your own. But if you're still stuck and unsure whether you need a career or life transition coach, here are some reflective and insightful questions to ask yourself:

  • How long have I been stuck for?

  • What's worse? Things staying the same or putting in the work to change?

  • How much have my problems cost me? (With your time, money, health, personally, relationships, and more)

  • How much better would my life be if I had clarity on my career and life direction?

  • Have I been unable to move forward using my own willpower? Why or why not? No shame here. If you wouldn't solve your own medical or health issues on your own, why don't your career, mindset, and personal aspirations deserve the same TLC?

  • Am I ready to radically transform my life and try something different?

Let's see if we're a good fit!
A lot of people want to change their lives, but not everyone is going to have the guts or motivation to make it happen. But you aren't just anyone! So before I take on any clients, I want to make sure we have a conversation to make sure you understand what it means to be coached, how we'd work together, and have a mutual agreement on what our goals are.
I am confident I can help you navigate your career and life transitions with clarity. Book a free coaching call to see if we're a good fit and walk away with clarity knowing your exact next steps.

About Me

I'm Sarah, and I’m passionate about helping people navigate career and life transitions with clarity and confidence, find your purpose, and live a life you don’t need a vacation from.Not too long ago, I found myself in a similar place. After spending a decade working in mental health and global humanitarian settings and reaching the pinnacle of professional success, it was time for a change. So I took a leap of faith, broke free from the familiar, put my notice in for a job I loved, and embarked on a journey of self-discovery and major life transformation to write my own next chapter.Through my own significant self-reflection, career, and life transitions, I discovered my calling is to help you uncover your true purpose and create a path that leads to authentic fulfillment.I incorporate my diverse experiences into my coaching approach, including:

  • Over a decade of expertise in mental health and a background in psychology, in which I integrate holistic well-being and positive psychology principles into our coaching journey. I am passionate about working with people driven to make the world a better place.

  • A Master's degree in Public Health specializing in Social Behavioral Sciences and Health Policy and Management from Boston University

  • Leadership and program management expertise in establishing mental health programs across ten of the most vulnerable countries around the globe. No problem or challenge is too big for us to solve together.

  • Traveled, lived, and worked in over 40 countries. I embrace a global mindset and cross-cultural perspectives.

  • Made multiple major life transitions, including most recently the transformative decision to embody a "slomad lifestyle". Saying goodbye to Boston, my home for over a decade, I put all our things in storage, embarked on a cross-country road trip with my husband while working remotely, and designed a global lifestyle that allows us to nurture close ties with friends & family in the US while working and adventuring abroad.

Imagine waking up every day excited, fulfilled, and doing what you love. As your coach, I’ll be with you every step of the way as you navigate career & life transitions with confidence and clarity.Life's your adventure, so book a call today to choose yours!

Happy clients whose lives have transformed!

Working with Sarah, I navigated my career/life transition with clarity and secured the job I had envisioned, as I transitioned from graduate school to full-time employment.Through coaching, I sought to refine short-term goals, crystallize my life's purpose, and envision long-term dreams while embarking on my final year at Rabbinical School, a rigorous five-year graduate program, Additionally, I aimed to enrich my toolkit with executive functioning skills. Throughout our work together spanning approximately eight months, Sarah and I delved into each of these aspirations. Yet, the journey unfolded into something far more profound.Sarah's unwavering presence and ability to meet me exactly where I was at various junctures significantly deepened our work. Sarah illuminated the importance of self-investment, teaching me to recognize my own worth and the value of granting myself the privilege of a coach. Though I haven't deciphered every aspect of life, Sarah's guidance was instrumental in cultivating new emotional, professional, and spiritual tools. These tools have since fortified my confidence, enabling me to steer the "ship" of my life with greater assurance.Our sessions, while forward-looking and dream-centric, also remained grounded in immediate tasks and professional advancements.Sarah's multifaceted approach to coaching—encompassing professional, spiritual, and emotional dimensions—resembles the versatility of a Swiss army knife. Her holistic strategy has been pivotal in my development, offering a comprehensive framework for growth. While there's much more to share, this encapsulates the essence of our transformative work together. Sarah's guidance has been a cornerstone in my ongoing journey toward fulfillment and success, and balance in my life.-Jacob W, Boston

Since working with Sarah, I feel capable of achieving the life I only dreamed of. I was able to land a new position in my field WHILE building a new business in parallel! By session 2, Sarah helped me discover why I felt unsatisfied in my job and what I could do about it. Throughout the process, I feel supported and free to dream while still keeping it real. This program allowed me to start planning my next career steps, executing and planting the seeds for my dream project (a project I didn’t even know was possible until I met with her). I can’t thank Sarah enough. What has been most impactful for me is that she made me realize I don’t have to wait 5-10 years to make it happen but I can start small and start now.Honestly, there was something in her website that said that ‘you’re high achieving person and I'm sure you know that you can do things on your own and find another job on LinkedIn, but having someone in your corner, accountability, and guidance will help make your dreams happen'. This and your whole process really resonated with me because, sure maybe I could have done this all on my own. But without Sarah, it wouldn't have been possible. After our session today, I felt like I haven't felt in a very long time.It’s a whole-body experience. I can feel every single cell in my body like jumping. If that's even weird to say! It literally jitters from like happiness, feeling good and positive thinking, and recognizing in my body how each decision impacts me. I can compare this experience to the opposite of how I think about my current job, where my body just feels constricted and like I’m suffocating. But now through this program, it feels like the cells in my body are big, open and expansive and anything is possible with my career, long term business goals, and life!!I wanted to share these high vibe feelings because I am so grateful for Sarah making the space to allow me to dream, while being realistic to help achieve my goals so they aren’t overwhelming. I’m so thankful for her time, the way she's supported me and her commitment and we're just getting started!"- Marlene C., Boston

"Working with Sarah as my life and career coach has been an absolute game-changer, and I can't express enough gratitude for our three months together. As a mother, wife, and ambitious professional, I strive to be my best self, but there’s no way I couldn’t done on my own what Sarah helped me do for myself. Before working with Sarah, I struggled with anxiety, family relationships, career satisfaction, and more. Sarah immediately understood the things I needed to work on while highlighting my strengths.Sarah's empathetic and creative approach immediately resonated with me. She not only pinpointed the areas I needed to work on but also highlighted my strengths, making every session feel truly personalized. With Sarah's guidance, I noticed significant progress as I naturally incorporated the techniques we explored.Each session with Sarah is structured and specifically tailored to an exercise for me to work through with her. I noticed that as the weeks progressed forward, I innately practiced what Sarah and I had been working on. Sarah set achievable goals for me as well as gave me homework and exercises to help me achieve those goals. Sarah also helped me work on certain relationships that I struggled with and as a result of her guidance and teachings, I feel far more equipped to deal with difficult relationships in my life. Sarah is a personal coach who cares so much about all of her clients and she is always there for any client in the heat of any moment or beyond.Even if you think you have a good life, Sarah will help you uncover areas for improvement and growth. Her expertise and genuine care for her clients shine through in every interaction.Thanks to Sarah's coaching, I now feel like the driver of my life, empowered by the knowledge that I have the tools to navigate the smoothest roads with the most beautiful views. Her creation of a personalized toolkit further reinforces the valuable insights we explored together. I wholeheartedly recommend Sarah as a life and career coach for anyone seeking positive transformation and a fulfilling journey of self-discovery."-Marti Schwartz, New York

Sarah has been a massive part of our process, and I couldn’t imagine going through any of it without her. For anyone interested making any sort of lifestyle change like becoming a digital nomad or switching careers, it’s absolutely crucial to have the right mentor. Someone who can guide you and give you the tools to help you stay true to yourself and succeed. Sarah was the perfect fit for our family, and we couldn’t be any more grateful.A few months ago, my husband Elchonon and I had to make a choice. We were heavily exploring the idea of traveling to another country for a year until a huge part of the plan fell through, leaving us at a crossroads. We knew it would be an incredible opportunity, and a lot of the pieces were falling into place, but the decision to make such a move made our stress levels go through the roof and the logistics felt endless and discouraging. Things like taking the kids out of their amazing school, leaving our awesome community, understanding the financial impact and what it meant for our careers, what would our extended families think, and more, haunted us daily and the lack of clarity felt too much to handle. We spent each day wondering, calculating, worrying, figuring out plans aimlessly. We had a deadline to make a decision and the pressure was on. After speaking briefly to Sarah, I finally booked our free consult to see if her coaching program would be the right fit for us.Both Elchonon and I joined and we realized by working with Sarah we were truly investing in our family’s future. I also thought, what the heck, at the very least, working with a coach would help give us some structure to our worry and stress. But oh my goodness. Working with Sarah gave us TONS more than that. Sarah helped us realize that we weren’t running away from anything, but we were running toward a life of purpose. A life that will give us the chance to express our souls in ways we may only have imaged in a pipe dream. Each week for the next three months we were met by Sarah’s calming and reassuring presence, giving us peace of mind and validation for all of the complicated situations and feelings that came along with changing our lives so drastically. She let us air out our feelings and gave the most incredible and thoughtful insights.I believe the best type of mentor is one who gives the exact amount of space for the person to find the answer on their own— and Sarah is just that. She is humble, compassionate, full of empathy, an expert in her work and just an absolute joy to work with. We felt held and guided, but in a way that by the end of our sessions, we were empowered to go out on our own feeling confident and totally proud of our decision. She is warm, open-minded, and completely non-judgmental. Our sessions felt so comfortable, it is clear that her deep background in mental health is an incredible foundation for this line of work. She understands how people work, and she understands how to work with people. She helped us truly explore ourselves — what we want out of our lives and how we want to live it. So, we decided to take the leap and become a digital nomad family of 5… and are now in South America, woah!”- Malka and Elchonon Solomon, New Jersey --> South America

A group of my friends and I met with Sarah as we are all felt uninspired with our careers. Sarah first met with us individually to get to know our story, where we’ve been, and where we want to go. Then, we met as a group workshop to identify our strengths, purpose, and career clarity.Sarah is warm, extremely knowledgeable, encouraging, and an active listener who made me feel heard and supported. This is clearly her gift and calling, and I am so grateful to have worked with her!-Abby V, Colorado

“Working with Sarah exceeded my expectations. I wasn’t sure what to expect from coaching, but from the moment our first session began, she created an atmosphere where I felt completely at ease, safe, and truly seen. I instantly felt the most secure I had felt all week. In just one session, Sarah provided me with invaluable clarity on every important aspect of my life. The frameworks and tools she shared allowed me to immediately and consciously observe how I was living my life. I found myself operating on a higher plane that carried me through my day-to-day and on a high until our next session.During our second session, Sarah empowered me with confidence in myself. She reminded me that everything I need in life, including my values and the choices I make, already resides within me. Through our collaborative efforts, I realized that my inspiration lies in the journey itself, not in reaching the destination. Sarah didn’t force me to change anything I didn’t want to, but enabled me to go deeper into what I already love, recognize, and be happy with how I live my life.Her approach and frameworks will be helpful for many people, I highly recommend working with her!”
- B.C., Boston

Sarah's career workshop was well-structured and approachable. Her patience, thoughtfulness and commitment to personalizing the activities and discussions made me trust her and feel comfortable unpacking things that have been difficult to address.I now have career clarity to find a job that keeps finances steady AND allows me to feel like my job is just a job and I can apply more of my mental and emotional energy to my personal and family life!
- Abby O, Boston

Sarah is a gifted coach in 1-on-1 and small group settings alike. She is a compassionate and active listener who can deftly identify the most generative places to take an idea, feeling, or conversation. Sarah takes the time to get to know her clients and is skilled at designing coaching containers that respond to their unique needs and goals.Working with Sarah helped me to think about my life more holistically and I am better for it!
- Susannah C.W, Vermont

"Sarah was a game changer and helped me accelerate my career search progress in ways that I couldn't have imagined! I highly recommend her to anyone seeking guidance during life changes, whether big or small!Sarah was a wonderful and effective career and life design coach. She established a conversational environment of trust and support, listened attentively as I shared my work history and aspirations, and gently asked probing questions that guided me toward goals I hadn't even considered. Sarah validated all of my concerns - both about job searching in general and about the coaching process itself - and tailored her approach to my personal needs. Most importantly, she held me accountable for completing tasks that set me on a successful path. She is knowledgeable, thoughtful, and simply a pleasure to work with."
- A. W., Boston